Adept Medical Group is a team of mobile wound care specialists. They travel from bedside to bedside in their coverage area (Utah, USA) helping their patients and other practitioners to heal non-healing and traumatic wounds.

THE problem

A rapidly growing business in a niche market, where demand for service was quickly becoming more than the current business model could support. Not enough staff to supply the demand, and an internal structure that could not support the type of scaling needed for continued success. Additionally, the original logo did not support a growing brand, there was little to no online presence, and no marketing strategy to capture their audience.

THE solution

They needed a full rebrand, an internal restructuring, a robust informational website, a dedicated online employee onboarding portal, effective marketing materials and strategy, seamless patient merch, and educational documents. Our team worked together for several months to create a scalable, trustworthy and informative brand presence that spoke to their current audience and helped them expand their business effectively. See the deliverables below!


The branding and visual elements were inspired by the care and healing Adept strives to bring to all their patients. Using recognizable, repeating graphics like bandages and hearts in not just the logo, but photography and icons. We aim to position Adept Medical Group as a trusted medical provider with a reputation for excellent care and patient relations.


Their online presence was almost non-existent - besides a Google Business listing for local searches, there was no active website for the business. We knew that a new website was a key addition, but also wanted to create an informational and educational space. Their audience is both practitioners and patients, so language and presentation had to be digestible by professionals as well as the average person. We created an in depth website that covers every question, concern, or need of their audience and a great reference point for the industry as a whole.

Additionally, we needed to create an Employee Portal to help onboard new staff easily and provide a hub of documents, training and links. By creating this, we alleviated the burden of those tasks from the founder, allowing her to focus her attention on things that benefit the business more. With these new online tools working in her favor, the act of answering questions, handing out information, and employee management became seamless and automated.

marketing materials & strategy

Being a mobile business, the staff is regularly meeting with patients and practitioners in person. Having solid and effective marketing materials was key! We created multiple wound care guides (available as PDFs as well as printed booklets) for education, marketing flyers for new partnerships, business cards that make communication easy, fridge magnets for patients with QR codes linking to care guides, branded name badges for staff to create trust, merch items, and more!

Our team then used these items to strategically reach out to new facilities, make industry connections, advertise their services, and utilize SEO and Google ranking to gather new leads.


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